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Saturday, February 1, 2025

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Keeping the Legacy of a Family Member Turns Into a Successful Business


When this man lost a family member, he kept their legacy going and founded Our Memories in Motion

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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Ignite Business Insider shares the stories of businesses that are making an impact in their local markets. We highlight their stories in order to inspire entrepreneurial growth and to let readers learn more about businesses across the world that are growing and scaling.


David Bower


Our Memories in Motion

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Thank you for taking the time to sit with us and share your story. Can you share a little bit about you and your company?

Our Memories in Motion, owned by David Bower, converts your old media to digital form. This includes videotapes (VHS, VHS-C, MiniDV, HI8), audio cassettes, vinyl records, printed pictures, and 35mm slides. Our Memories in Motoin also works with small to medium-sized businesses designing profit-generating websites.

A question our readers love is, "How you got started". Can you share with us what you were doing before, and how you got started in the business you are in now?

Our Memories in Motion was created in 2007 but the story starts long before. I had a cousin who was always into technology. If there was something new in the tech world he had it. He introduced me to the world of video editing and slide show creation. Unfortunately, we lost my cousin to AIDS and I decided to continue his legacy of video editing and the rest is history. I started Our Memories in Motion just doing slide shows for family and friends and progressed to converting VHS tapes. I started getting asked if I did cassette tapes and records and the services kept growing. The next logical step was to get a website and being the frugal person I am, I decided to research website design. I fell in love with designing my website so I started offering this service to local businesses as well.

Let's take a little bit of a detour, and rewind the clock a little bit. What did you want to be as a kid? And how did that influence the person you are today?

From a very young age I knew I wanted to be in healthcare. First a fireman, then a veterinarian, and once in high school I knew I wanted to be a therapist but always had the techie side as well. I studied therapy at vo-tech in high school and went on to get my degree in Occupational Therapy. Once I started working in healthcare, I knew I needed to do something on the tech side of things as well and with the passing of my cousin and my love to doing slide shows, Our Memories in Motion was born.
I definitely take a different approach to my customers. I truly mean it when I say my customers are like family. I treat everyone's media like it was my own. Working in healthcare has helped me develop empathy which I believe comes out in the work that I do. I take pride in clients messaging me how their family was able to watch a video of grandpa again or how parents were able to show their kids their wedding day. It makes all the work worth it.

Lets look into the future a bit. Where do you see yourself going in the next ten years?

I hope to continue to grow the business and my clientele. I look to gain more local businesses for their website design and local clients with their memories saved on old media.

Now, I have found that with successful people, there is always someone pivotal as either a mentor, parent, teacher, or someone that you look to for advise, that helped set you on this path. Could you share who that person was? And what impact that had on the person you are today?

I've had many impactful people throughout my life, from my cousin who impacted my love for tech, to my parents who have always supported me and guided me, to the many coaches I had through the many years of playing sports. Even some of my clients throughout the years have impacted my drive to continue with the business at times when I questioned if it was worth it.
There have been countless people throughout my life that, whether big or small, have contributed to where I am today.

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What are some insights or advise you might have for your clients and customers?

Know the business you are working with. I've heard from countless business clients who had a website designed by someone who didn't know their industry or didn't communicate throughout the design process. I've had customers tell me they had sent their videotapes or other media out to get converted and it took months to get it back. While waiting they tried to contact the company for updates with no response. Understand the person doing the work and make sure that person understands you as well.

In business, businesses should have a differentiator. What makes your business unique, and makes it stand out from the competition?

I believe what makes Our Memories in Motion unique is myself. Every service that I offer is done solely by me. I do not outsource any process of converting or designing. I strive on communication and keep all my customers informed of what's happening throughout their journey with me.

Can you give an example?

A good example is my video transfer/conversions. My customers can drop off their tapes using my drop box anytime or they can set up a time to hand me their tapes. This is done for the customer's convenience. If they do not give me their tapes and use the drop box, they are contacted the minute I have the tapes in my hand. I update my clients throughout the conversion process and maintain that communication until their conversions are done. My customers love this 1:1 attention they get as well as the comfort in knowing if they have a question, at any time, they can reach out to me and I'll respond.

How does that impact your clients, or customer's experience?

Being able to contact me directly regarding any aspect of their order brings comfort to my customers. Also, knowing that I am the only one touching their media or designing their website gives the whole process a sense of security. I do not outsource any service I offer.

Let's dive into your customer's journey a little bit. Can you share with us, how do your customers discover you and your brand? What are their next steps? And what is the experience you would like to see your customers go on, when working with you and your brand?

Most customers discover me on social media or through my website. For media transfers, they are directed to a simple work order form on my site. Once that work order is completed, we set up a time to drop everything off with me. Payment is done electronically through a link in their email once the work is completed and the customer picks up their order at their convenience.

For my website clients, I take the time to talk to them about their business and their goals for their website. After a comprehensive conversation, I start the design process. The customer is given a sample page or two to go over. I tell all my clients to get out their (figurative) red pen and tear apart that first draft of the site. This will help me further solidify what they are looking for. Once I have the complete picture of what their vision is for their site, I design the rest of the site, giving my client periodic updates on how everything is going.

Let's rave about your customers for a minute. Can you share a story about one of your clients or customers, that either touched your heart, or made an impact with you and your team?

My customers are my everything. Many customers have reached out after their order was picked up to tell me how grateful they were for transferring their media. Many go even further to tell me how they can now share family memories of when they were a child with their kids.
Here's one story I'll always remember. I was contacted by a woman who had a paper record (yes paper not vinyl) of a recording done by the Red Cross during, if I remember correctly, World War 2. She had found this record with her grandfather's war memorabilia and thought maybe his voice would be on the recordings. I remember telling her that I had never worked with a paper recording and didn't even know if I could get any audio off of it but I would do my best.
The recording was bad, I mean really bad. Horrible static, muffled voices, but I knew if I could hear voices I could do something with it. Post recording, I was able to edit the audio and remove some of the static, and amplify some of the voices. It turns out that this audio was during a sermon and her grandfather was a pastor so she knew it had to be him. She was so excited to be able to hear her grandfather's voice.

Everyone loves an inside scoop. Can you share a fact or detail about you or your company that people might not know?

Originally the company was supposed to be named Memories in Motion. I did some research and at the time there was another company that did something similar with the same name. I then researched "Your" Memories in Motion and that was a cruise line. So the next logical step was "Our" Memories in Motion and that one stuck!

Final thoughts. What feeling or benefits would you like your customers or clients to take away when working with you and your team?

I have, and always will, pride myself on my customer service. I want their experience to be easy and seamless. I want them to be able to watch, listen to, or see memories they haven't been able to see in years.

Last question. How can people find out more about you and your company?

Our website,, has all of our services listed. I also highly recommend your readers go to I create video memorials for the families of fallen soldiers and EMS who've made the ultimate sacrifice. These memorials are completely free of charge to the family.

If you want to speak to me directly, you are welcome to call me at 484-335-3799 or email me at

Thank you for taking the time to share with us.

Thank you for allowing me to tell my story.

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