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Content Submission Deadline: Monday by 11:59pm
Media distribution is scheduled for Tuesday at 8:17am
Thank you for taking the time to share you story with us, our readers and your network.
Every business has a story to tell.
We want to help share yours.

My parents and grandparents were small business owners. My grandpa helped found an aeronautical hinge company. My dad ran a welding company on the side. And my mom did taxes from home. All of their efforts taught me the value of working for yourself. I grew up to realize that there is a certain magic in small business owners. Most people can barely earn enough money to pay their own bills each month. Yet as a business owner, you generate enough revenue to pay for several people. Those people are able to pay rent, buy cars, have kids, send their kids to school... If you don't know this yet. Or if no one has told you this...You are amazing! Good job! From that place of awe and admiration, I would like to help share your stories. I don't feel enough local and small businesses are afforded the ability to share their story. I want to do my part to change that. No one told my grandfather's story. I want to share yours.

Ignite Business Insider Story Form
Step 1 - Contact Information
Step 2 - Company Information
Step 3 - Article Questionnaire
Please respond to the questions as though we are sitting face-to-face in an interview.
Choose your first question:
Question #2:
Question #3:
Question #4:
Question #5:
Question #6:
Question #7:
Question #8:
Question #9:
Question #10:
Question #11:
Question #12:
Question #13:
Question #14:
Question #15:
Step 4 - Title & Images
Step 5 - Pay it forward! Recommend one friend to be featured...
Next Steps...
After submitting your article, you will be redirected to the Ignite Business Insider page. Simply click on your published article and copy your article's custom URL in your browser. Then paste your story on your favorite social media, emails and your website!
Please note...
After you click the Publish Your Story Button, it may take several seconds to load the images to your Ignite Business Insider Article.

You will be redirected when the images fully load.
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