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Every business has a story to tell.
Sunday, May 19, 2024
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Professional art speaks for itself…

Unleash the power of your imagination and take flight…
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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ignite Business Insider shares the stories of businesses that are making an impact in their local markets. We highlight their stories in order to inspire entrepreneurial growth and to let readers learn more about businesses across the world that are growing and scaling.

Jean Habeck
Professional Freelance Artist
Graphix Studio17
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Thank you for taking the time to sit with us and share your story. Can you share a little bit about you and your company?
Absolutely, I can. I am a professional artist meeting all your artistic needs. Originally, I am from the Midwest: WI, IL, MN, where I was corn-fed and brought up in small towns. I am actually a city gal and I was ready for a change, so I transferred to CSU to finish my college degree and moved to the beautiful state of CO where I finally found what I feel is home. As a child, I was always coloring with markers and drawing with pencils and ink for school projects and on my own as I was having fun doing it. In high school, I discovered acrylic painting and found I love to paint and I was good at it. I entered contests and received awards. I had dreamt of being an artist and wrote a paper in high school on being a freelance artist which opened my eyes to the possibilities. My last class before graduating college, I decided to finish at the Palais Kinsky in Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹 where I lived while attending my art history class. Where else would you go to see and learn about art? While I was there, I traveled throughout Europe with friends, exploring and discovering art museums and meeting lots of new people from every country in the world. Afterwards, I came back to the states and moved briefly to Portland, OR, land of the rain, green grass, and near the beach. I found a job and worked at a photography studio and realized I needed to move back to sunny ☀️ CO and ended up at Keystone Resort & Arapahoe Basin. I worked in the nursery where I painted murals on the walls and did art projects with the kids, which was a blast. Lots of sun and fun, skiing, and playing in the mountains. Hiking and biking and being outdoors! I thought it was heaven besides living by the ocean. This is where I created my graphic and art business, Graphix Studio17. The original name was Graphix Studio, but someone claimed and licensed it before I could, so I added 17 onto the end of it, as it's significant to me, and that’s how it got started. FYI, I am in the middle of moving back to Denver.
A question so many people are interested in, is how you got started. Can you share a little bit about what you were doing before this, and what that moment was like for you when you decided to start this new journey?
My artistic journey began in my youth and continues into my adult life. Originally, I started my business when I was living in Summit County and skiing frequently while working at the ski resort. People would often approach me with their art ideas, and I would bring those ideas to life. One significant project was updating the Summit Stage logo for T-shirts worn by bus drivers. Eventually, someone noticed my work and incorporated it into their business. In addition to graphic design (imagine, before computers!), I fulfilled various requests from clients.
After traveling across the US and moving to California twice, I settled in Denver. There, I advertised my business in the newspaper, offering graphic design services such as resumes and business cards, alongside my part-time teaching. Years later, I secured a position as a Tile Painter at a major tile company, creating murals and decorations for homes, offices, and buildings. Following a layoff after 14 years, I continued offering my artistic services independently, as demand for my style persisted.
My work includes a permanent tile mural in the original Buell Mansion in Cherry Hills Village and features in various media outlets such as Channel 7, Colorado Homes & Lifestyle magazine, and the Denver Post. My artwork has been showcased in the Parade of Homes in Colorado and sold extensively throughout the US and internationally, including in Taiwan and England. Additionally, I sell prints and occasionally delve into photography, drawing inspiration from my travels and hiking expeditions, some of which are available on
I've exhibited my paintings in numerous venues, including restaurants, coffee shops, and metaphysical stores. Currently, some of my work is displayed at LitWood Creations, an art gallery in Blackhawk, Colorado, where it will be indefinitely showcased. If you find yourself in the area, take a break from gambling and drop by to see it!
Do I love creating art and sharing it with others? Absolutely! It's a fulfilling career that began as a dream and has become my reality.
Let's take a little bit of a detour, and rewind the clock a little bit. What did you want to be as a kid? And how did that influence the person you are today?
As a child, I dreamt of being an astronaut, a receptionist in a doctor's office, and a teacher, as both my parents were educators. My dad became Superintendent of Schools outside Chicago, and my mom pursued her Masters and worked as a Guidance Counselor. As role models, they tremendously influenced me to understand the importance of teaching, compassion, kindness, and acceptance of everyone. They taught me to contribute to society, help the less fortunate, volunteer, and give back. It's amusing to me that I now paint skies, clouds, planets, and outer space, along with futuristic themes—things associated with outer space. Additionally, I've worked as a receptionist in an acupuncture clinic, a place of healing and spiritual awareness, which has influenced my artistic style.
Did you have a person, or brand, that was influencial in your early formation of business, or career?
The person most responsible for setting me on this creative path was my high school art teacher. My mom initially convinced me to take a painting class, and from there, my art teacher played a pivotal role. She assisted me in learning techniques in acrylic painting and composition, and she even entered me in art shows after recognizing my talents. Both my mom and my art teacher encouraged me to attend the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. I began with graphic design and illustration but eventually switched to painting and drawing, which were my strengths. And the story continues from there.
Now, I have found that with successful people, there is always someone pivotal as either a mentor, parent, teacher, or someone that you look to for advise, that helped set you on this path. Could you share who that person was? And what impact that had on the person you are today?
The one pivotal person who set me on this path of creativity was my mother and she helped me with my business plan as my partner who gave me confidence in my career to continue to pursue my goals of being the successful Artist that I am today..,she was my guiding light and showed me the way to believe in myself and to continue towards my dreams…keep moving forward one step @ a time…
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What was one take away that you learned from that person? And how did it translate into your business today?
The one takeaway I learned from my art teacher was that you can make a living by being an artist, and I have a gift that I can share with others. My paintings come straight from my heart and my emotions. They reflect life experiences where I can release them into the designs of my art, providing therapy for others through the calm and peaceful landscapes you can gaze at for hours. My animal and nature themes showcase the beauty of these amazing creatures. My artwork allows you to escape into the universe and relieve your stress, or perhaps it triggers a memory of your vacation destination!
When we work with businesses, we focus a lot on their "Why?". What is your "Why"? What is the driver behind your company, and why you and your team wake up each day and give it your all?
My "why"? To inspire others to see our world through the eyes of the soul. The reason to get up every day: to open people’s eyes to the beautiful world we live in, to see Art and to appreciate it, so you can see all life has to offer! Sometimes, when we get so busy in life, we forget to stop and smell the roses, right? My goal is to let people catch a glimpse of what’s right in front of them, to take a look at this magnificent planet we live on and enjoy the simple things in life we take for granted. It’s a spiritual journey that guides me to follow my heart.
Let's dive deeper into your products and services. You already gave an overview, but how do your products or services help your customers? And what makes them different from your competitors?
My artwork is usually a luxury item that furnishes your home, office, or business with your aesthetic needs. It is as distinctive as I am. It's a fact that I can't paint a piece of art twice identically or duplicate it exactly, as I am human. It will always be an original that is idiosyncratic. My graphics help those who can't use their imaginations, and I provide that service to enhance their businesses. What makes me unique is that I've had two near-death experiences and manifested paintings that are not of this universe. It has sent me on a path of healing and spirituality and has expanded my creative mind. I have invented a new style of art combining my photographs of my acrylic paintings on canvas and incorporated them with my graphics/illustrations I created on Photoshop, adding words, special effects, and backgrounds that are sold as prints. This makes me different from my competitors.
Let's unpack that even further. Let's pick one aspect of your business. What makes it so unique? And how does it change you or your customer's experience?
One aspect of my business that makes me unique is that I am innovative and productive. I have a background in Fine Art & Graphic Design. I am a one-stop-shop meeting all your visual art needs. My passion is to make every client happy. My qualities include being a good listener. I’m intuitive as to what your requirements are. I understand and follow through with all aspects of the process. I am a visionary who custom makes art. I laugh and have fun with my job. Imagine the possibilities!
Let's dive into your customer's journey a little bit. Can you share with us, how do your customers discover you and your brand? What are their next steps? And what is the experience you would like to see your customers go on, when working with you and your brand?
I have constructed my website through and have designed it myself. You can contact me at Send me a message through there or, I have a shop on FB under Jean Habeck where you can find my business name, Graphix Studio17. On IG, you can find my store as well under the name packkergirl12 (guess which team I root for 🤣). All places where I sell my artwork and get commissions from. On LinkedIn, you can find I’m verified and it shows my career history and the colleges I have attended, as well as reviews by satisfied customers. The next steps are to contact me through social media to purchase my original artworks or by emailing me at or You will have to leave a message on the answering machine on my phone as it blocks scammers/spammers, so annoying, isn’t it? Anyway, you can also reach me on FB Messenger and IG. I am open to working with my clients and very easy to get along with. I ask questions and communicate effectively to serve your needs. I have received positive feedback from my colleagues as well.
Let's rave about your customers for a minute. Can you share a story about one of your clients or customers, that either touched your heart, or made an impact with you and your team?
One of my experiences at the tile store that touched my heart was working on a tile mural with an older couple who requested a painting of chrysanthemums for their kitchen backsplash. I finished it, and they were thrilled when they saw it. They took it home, and their installer placed it above the stove. I went on with my life, and weeks later, they came back in by surprise and shared their photographs of the kitchen with me. They were ecstatic with the end results and how it turned out, and they brought me a present. But what I thought was really special to me were the hugs I received and the recognition of my art. It made me smile, and it was a wonderful feeling to know how much they appreciated my work.
Everyone likes an inside scoop. What detail or secret about either you, or your company, is something most people might not know?
My secret, which no one knows about me, is that I try to be a perfectionist in everything I do. However, in the art world, this is not always possible. I have learned to just let it go, although it's not easy for me to accept 'good enough'!
Final thoughts. What feeling or benefits would you like your customers or clients to take away when working with you and your team?
I am here for you, and I will focus on completing every task and challenge I face—no matter how easy or difficult a project is. I will strive to do my best to your satisfaction. If there’s miscommunication or a problem, I will work together to find a solution and resolve it! You can count on me! Let’s work together on a project, or you can purchase one of my paintings from my collection.
Last question. How can people find out more about you and your company?
As I mentioned earlier, please check out my social media and look at my LinkedIn profile to find out more about me, my past, my history, and my ambitions. My website provides a glimpse into my soul where you can learn about my traumatic experiences and my accomplishments!
Well, it has been great being able to sit with you and learn more about you, your brand and your customer's journey. Thank you so much for sitting with us and sharing your story.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and learn about who I am as an artist and as a person. I am grateful every day to live this life on Earth and to have been blessed with many gifts and special qualities. I love working with people and creating art. It brings me joy when people show their appreciation, and I hope I have given you a reason to smile today, maybe even to laugh. I look forward to working with each of you and with anyone who is looking for an adventure, connecting the world to peace.
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