TikTok Style Trend-Spotting Videos at Market
mer 12 lug
|Atlanta Market
You get 2-Months worth of Trend-Spotting Videos filmed and edited for you, while Shopping Atlanta Market!

Orario & Sede
12 lug 2023, 10:30 GMT-4 – 14 lug 2023, 18:30 GMT-4
Atlanta Market, 230 John Portman Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
Info sull'evento
Ready to be a Market Trend-Spotter?
We are creating TikTok Style Trend Spotting Videos of YOU at Market!
You will get:
- Ten (10) 45-60 long Videos of you identifying products and trends at Atlanta Market
- You pick up to Three (3) Showrooms and Ten (10) Products or Collections
- We take care of ALL Filming and Editing
- You will have 2.5 Months of Weekly Trend-Spotting Videos to share with your social media audience!
When was the last time you were on a podcast?
As an added bonus to your Trend-Spotting Video Content Creation, I will also interview you for my Join inCrowd Business Podcast!
You will recieve an MP4 Video copy of your podcast episode for use on social media and your website!
We will help coach you through the entire filming.
- Simply choose up to Three (3) Showrooms at Market that you would like to Trend Spot.
- Find up to Ten (10) Products or Collections that you would like to feature in your videos
- Then say a quick hello to your viewers, and let them know about the great new products you found for them at Atlanta Market
We will edit your videos with Captions and your company logo, and have it all delivered to you within a week.
Don't forget your podcast interview! We will sit down to learn more about your business, how you got started, what makes your company unique, share a client success story, and give listeners a little insight into something about your business "most people" might not know.
Our podcasts are designed to help you get more customers!
Normally, the average cost to film a 30-Second TikTok Style Video, could run you between $1,000 and up to $5,000. With additional video editing that runs $75-150 an hour.
And that doesn't even include the additional cost of having a film crew travel to North Carolina, hotel, food and rental cars...
Which means that 10 TikTok Videos, filmed on location could run you between $10,00-$50,000 USD
We run a lean film operation, and we are lining up 15 Designers for our 3-Day Trend Spotting Content Creation Tour.
Which means you get the Bulk Savings!
So, Ten (10) TikTok Style Trend Spotting Videos, plus editing and the BONUS Podcast only costs you $650 Flat Rate
That comes out to less than 6% of the lowest cost to have a film crew film and edit your videos at industry rates. Or a savings of as much as $49,450!
We are only filming 15 Designers at Market. If you would like to go home with content that helps establish you as the Trend-Spotter and Expert Designer that you are. Sign up for our limited TikTok Style, Trend Spotting Atlanta Market Tour, today!
Please note: There are NO Member Discounts for this event