Recently, a close friend asked me, “Joe, what do you do?
My answer was simple, “I help businesses focus on what matters. Their clients.”
In a world filled with TikTik trends and pressure to create content, we forget what matters most.
Our clients.
We also forget that our existing clients are our best marketers and a source for increased revenue.
As businesses, we get caught up on the products or services, but forget that our existing clients are our best marketers.
I call it, “Turning my customers, into my marketers.”
Again, as business owners, we tend to run right from one customer to the next. Putting out fires and juggling project after project. Once our customer is out of sight, then unfortunately tend to also be…out of mind.
Here’s a simple way to test this concept…
When was the last time you simply called your most repeat customer to say, “I was just thinking about you and wanted to see how you were holding up”?
When we were starting out in business, that client was so very valuable to us. Then, we got caught up in the race of paying bills, growing our companies and gaining more clients.
On the marketing side, we were bombarded with people telling us we “Need to do this”, or we “Need to do that”.
And quickly, we forgot about our customers.
I’ll give you another simple way to gauge our focus on our customers…
Pull open your social media accounts. Scroll through your posts. Now, count the number of times you featured your customers on your social media.
Did you feature them at all?
Don’t worry. You are not alone. If you scroll through the social posts of big brands like Pepsi, Nike or even Amazon, they are ALL guilty of this same thing.
The truth is marketers are people too. So, when one brand does something. The next brand follows along.
Imagine if one of your favorite brands featured YOU on their social media? Wow! That would be amazing! And you would probably be all too quick to hit the share button.
And, that’s where I come in…
My job is to help you become the brand that celebrates their clients! I can help you become the company that your clients want to share with their friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family.
How doe that work?
First off, I’m not a “Coach”. You don’t need a coach.
But you do need a person to help you create a plan and a roadmap to achieving your goals.
With that destination and plan in place, this will sound simple, but…
You’ll need accountability to get it implemented.
Think of this just like a gym membership or a personal trainer.
I’m not going to do the work for you. And you are fully capable of getting it done on your own. But odds are, you will need someone to check in with, make adjustments and help guide you along as you implement this new strategy.
Here’s how it works…
First, lets take a look at your business. Let’s dive into who you are and what you are building.
Then, we can craft a plan for how to build your marketing and brand around your customer. We will craft several ways to feature them and celebrate them.
We’ll create both digital and in-person events to build community, highlight and celebrate your customers.
Then, we will layout a roadmap to easily implement all of these features and experiences.
You will have a full roadmap and implementation plan.
At this point, you could go it alone.
How do I make my money?
I am here to help guide you and keep you on track for hitting your goals. This may mean that we move things around and have conversations about ways to overcome obstacles. But ultimately, I am here to help you project manage and reach your goal.
How that works…
We determine your personal level of accountability. Maybe you need more regular meetings first. Maybe you simply need a monthly check in to stay on track and seek guidance.
I dedicate a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, 30-45 minute call to you, at a pre-scheduled time. During that call we review our prior week’s goals, talk through issues, and set our goals for the next check-in.
Along the way, I’ll share my latest blogs, audio blogs, audio courses, books and events. You are welcome to incorporate anything that sounds interesting to you.
As part of our ongoing Accountability Partnership, I would also like to build a community of people I am working with. So, included with your Accountability Partnership Plan, you are also invited to join my FREE Monthly Mastermind Group. This group is made up of many of the different business owners who are also implementing a strategy to build community and feature their clients. You are each connected through business and a willingness to build community. Each brings a different business perspective and serves a different niche.
How do you know you’ve reached the finish line?
Building a community around your business is a mindset change and a lifestyle. You will continue to grow and implement new ways to feature, highlight and celebrate your clients well into the future.
Our partnership is completely up to you.
The Accountability Program is monthly (with incentives for 3, 6 and 12 month pre-payment). But I am not a Coach. My goal is to help you get to your goal, and then you can take it from there.
As a part of the community that I am building, you are always welcome to join in and I may even ask you to speak at events and join us for retreats.
But you are already an amazing human being for getting to this point. And you are an even more amazing human for aspiring to build communities and being open to highlighting and featuring your clients.
If what I laid out sounds like the type of business you want to own and operate, then reach out and lets build you a strategy for building communities around your business.