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Speaking Topics

These are some of the topics that Joseph regularly speaks about on stage and on podcasts. Joseph is open to a wide range of topics, categories and environments.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Books for Interior Design & Real Estate

  • How I Published 18 Books in 8-Weeks on Amazo- Joseph talks about how he published 18 books on Amazon using ChatGPT, by adapting business books for niche markets, what he has learned and how he aims to publish 100 books in order to help make business education more accessible to niche markets. 

  • The 1st AI Generated Erotic Novel on Amazon - It's widely know that ChatGPT is G-Rated, but did you know that you can get it to write an erotic novel? Joseph talks about why it's important to push the limits of new technology, testing boundaries and social norms. With his book, "Snow White's Ever After" - A Dark Fairytale, Joseph has published the first AI Generated Erotic Novel on Amazon Publishing. Discover why this is a historical event in the evolution of AI.

  • Using AI to Connect the Dots - Joseph talks about his concept of "You don't know, what you don't know", and how ChatGPT is a great way to make business education available to people who may not access information because it hasn't been adapted to the point where it clearly applies to them and what they need to know.

  • AI is a Land Grab. If You Wait, You'll Be Left Behind - Joseph shares why this is the time to jump in. He shares his thoughts on the over-thinkers and doubters, and says "While you are arguing over the moral implications and possible downfalls...I'll be over here pumping books out. AI and ChatGPT have the ability for us to bring information to the people that need it the most, stop arguing and start creating. Joseph shares his own thoughts on the morality of having the ability to do something good, and choosing not to instead.

Podcasting and Revenue

  • Downloads don't mean shit! Start earning NOW - Joseph talks about how he earned $180k in 2018 with no proof of concept, how to ask a friend if you can use them as an example of a paid sponsor, and how to price based on value. 

  • The Unspoken Secret To Podcasting - Joseph talks about using podcasts to get your foot in the door with clients and build your network. Most podcasts focus on downloads and establishing yourself as an "expert". But the truth is podcasting opens up a lot of doors.

  • The Jimmy Fallon Affect - Joseph shares why your listeners are not there for YOU. Joseph uses Jimmy Fallon as an example, sharing that no body knows much about Jimmy. They tune in for his guests. That by being a good host, you leverage the network of your guests to reach more fans and build advertising revenues.

Startups and Ecosystems

  • You got an idea. You MUST need funding! - Joseph talks about an over dependence on funding. Joseph shares that angel and VC funding have moved towards a more institutional model because startups have been conditioned to seek funding too early. He talks about the need to bootstrap more, and reserve equity distribution for scaling. 

  • Be the dumbest guy at the table - Joseph talks about forming his second tech startup team, and how the job of CEO is to recruit a team of experts in the variety of strategic roles within the team. The founders should cast vision and recruit. But that at the end of the day, they should be surrounded by experts that are much smarter than them.

  • What is a startup ecosystem? - Joseph draws from his own series, "Startup Ecosystems - No Stupid Questions", where he invites guests to bring the topic, while he asks all the stupid questions. Joseph shares the opinions and viewpoints of many of his guests, along with his own thoughts and concepts of startup ecosystems.

Business Models

  • Your business is nothing new - Joseph talks about how studying a variety of business models will help you build a successful business. Joseph loves understanding the core business model in a variety of industries, and believes that though each founder brings a unique spin, that by studying business models, you can chart a better course. 

  • Maybe you're not a cupcake baker at all - Joseph talks about a podcast conversation he had with Peter Adams, of Rockies Venture Club, where Peter shared that the true skillset of a founder that creates a profitable business, isn't that they are the best cupcake maker. But that their true skillset is building profitable businesses. With that skillset, should they be in the business of building and selling profitable businesses ins.

  • 100% of us were raised to be employees - Joseph shares that from the moment you took your first steps, we were raised to be employee minded. Then he lays out the difference between self employed and ownership, saying that owning stocks is "ownership". In this topic, Joseph encourages people to dive into mentorships and mastermind groups that will re-train our mindset around ownership, versus "doing more things".

Random Topics

  • Fuck the Trends - Joseph talks about how his rant on Facebook turned into a 1-Hour a week Facebook Live that earned him $180k in 2018 and all of the stories that came with it. 

  • Parenting - From parent to mentor - Joseph talks about how he parented his kids in elementary school, took on the role of coach in junior high, and was mentor when his kids were in high school. Now, his kids are independent, free-thinking adults, with unique skillsets that put them on equal footing and respect with him. Joseph talks about why most parents raise dependent adults, and hate it.

  • Go do more stupid shit! - Joseph talks about failure and why taking risks has proven to pay off. Drawing from his concept that "100% of us were raised to be employees", Joseph shares experiences when he took risks and things turned out for the better. Joseph shares that raising his kids was the most important thing he has accomplished, and so since he's not dead, then he might as well take risks. In this topic, Joseph talks about the gig economy and why being open to opportunity will create multiple streams of revenue.


Below are a few biographies, based on a variety of topics that Joseph regularly speaks on.

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​Artificial Intelligence (AI) Books for Interior Design & Real Estate

Topic: How I Published 18 Books in 8-Weeks on Amazon

Short Bio

What was the last business book you read? Has it been a minute? Or did you get filled with inspiration, but didn't know what to do next? Joseph shares how he is using AI and ChatGPT to adapt business books into highly-relatable books that provide direct and applicable inforamtion specifically for interior designers and real estate agents. And, why? Joseph Haecker is a serieal entreprenuer, who is using ChatGPT and AI to adapt business books into contextual books that connect the dots for interior designers and real estate agents, with the hope that he can help more business owners become more successful. Joseph is on a mission to adapt 100 books into content that interior designers and realtors can use today.

Long Bio

What was the last business book you read? Has it been a minute? Or did you get filled with inspiration, but didn't know what to do next? Joseph shares how he is using AI and ChatGPT to adapt business books into highly-relatable books that provide direct and applicable inforamtion specifically for interior designers and real estate agents. And, why? Discover why Joseph bvelieves this will be another great equilizer in the ability for people to gain information that is highly relatable and can be adapted into many forms, using AI. Joseph currenly owns 24 tech companies, a media/broadcasting company, runs a non-profit, runs a business strategy and advisory company and is on a mission to write 100 business books using ChatGPT/AI to make business concepts more attainable to interior designers and real estate agents. Joseph Haecker is a serieal entreprenuer, who is using ChatGPT and AI to adapt business books into contextual books that connect the dots for interior designers and real estate agents, with the hope that he can help more business owners become more successful. Joseph is on a mission to adapt 100 books into content that interior designers and realtors can use today.

Topic: Using AI to Connect the Dots 

Short Bio

Imagine a classs full of 8-Year olds trying to read and understand the entire bible. They couldn't. So, we created children's bibles. Joseph Haecker is a serieal entreprenuer, who is using ChatGPT and AI to adapt business books into contextual books that connect the dots for interior designers and real estate agents, with the hope that he can help more business owners become more successful.

Long Bio

Imagine a classs full of 8-Year olds trying to read and understand the entire bible. They couldn't. So, we created children's bibles. Joseph Haecker is a serieal entreprenuer, who is using ChatGPT and AI to adapt business books into contextual books that connect the dots for interior designers and real estate agents, with the hope that he can help more business owners become more successful. Joseph talks about the need and the wide open lane for using AI to adapt and translate information that can be distributed and applicable to specific people and niches. Joseph is on a mission to adapt 100 books into content that interior designers and realtors can use today.

Topic: AI is a Land Grab. If You Wait, You'll Be Left Behind 

Short Bio

Are you on the fence about using ChatGPT and AI? 99.9999% of the world will become consumers of AI, while the smallest minority of us will get out here innovating and earning money using AI. You could be too. Joseph Haecker is a serieal entreprenuer, who is using ChatGPT and AI to adapt business books into contextual books that connect the dots for interior designers and real estate agents, with the hope that he can help more business owners become more successful.

Long Bio

Have you started using ChatGPT or AI in your own business? Are you listening to all of the stories of how AI is going to ruin the world or that you'll get caught for using AI? Well good for you. While you wait to take the next step, me and thousands of others will just rush right by you and take advantage of the new market space. AI and ChapGPT is ushering a world of new possibilities. 99.9999% of the world will become consumers of AI, while the smallest minority of us will get out here innovating and earning money using AI. You could be too. And it's not as hard as you might think... Joseph Haecker is a serieal entreprenuer, who is using ChatGPT and AI to adapt business books into contextual books that connect the dots for interior designers and real estate agents, with the hope that he can help more business owners become more successful.


​Podcasting and Revenue

Topic: Your business is nothing new 

Short Bio

What started out as a rant, turned into a 1-hour a week talk show featuring celebrity guests, random topics, 3.2-Million views and generated over $180k in sponsorship. Joseph Haecker talks about how you could be earning money NOW, and that downloads don't mean shit!

Long Bio

As podcasters, it's beaten into us that your value is based on the number of downloads you get. This is why we hear words like "podcasting is a hobby". Yet in 2017, while sitting in a hotel in Los Angeles, with only less than 1200 Facebook followers, Joseph Haecker went Live for the first time, with 2.2K people watching, and over 30K views within 24 hours with the topic, "Fuck the Trends". And in 2018, his 1-hour a week live streamed talk show cleared 3.2 Million Views and earned $180,000 in sponsorship revenue. Joseph Haecker shares his journey and why Downloads don't mean shit! And that you should start earning NOW!

​Startups and Ecosystems

Topic: You got an idea. You MUST need funding!
Short Bio

With $4.2 Million in raised capital, 24 registered tech companies and millions in revenue, Joseph Haecker does not believe in raising capital. Joseph talks about the need for a bootstrap culture, and how raising too early has dried up the angel and VC landscape.

Long Bio

Featured in Tech Crunch, The Eneref Institute, Luxe Magazine and other national publications, Joseph Haecker has raised over $4.2 Million in startup capital and luanched over 24 tech startups, with millions in revenue. With that said, Joseph believes that the recent shift in Angel and VC to a more institutional style of due diligence is in response to startups bipassing the traditional bootstrapping. Joseph shares with us why, "You git an idea. You MUST need funding!" is killing the entry points into traditional early stage capital.

Topic: Maybe you're not a cupcake baker at all 

Short Bio

Podcasting isn't about you or your opinins. The true value of podcasting is in the doors that it opens. In 2018, Joseph Haecker's 1-hour a week Facebook Live cleared 3.2 Million Views and earned him $180,000 in sponsprships. He's here to share "The Unspoken Secret to Podcasting".

Topic: Be the dumbest guy at the table 

Short Bio

What's the job of a founder? Joseph Haecker has buit in-house teams with equity partners from Fortune 500 companies, raised over $4.2 Million in startup capital and generated millions in revenues. And he's here to share about the importance of recruiting as a founder. Joseph shares that "You should be the dumbest guy at the table".

Long Bio

If you were to pick up the phone and hear a sales pitch about anything. You'd hangup. But if I invited you to be a guest on my podcast... Well, you might ask, "What's the podcast about.." In 2017, Joseph Haecker was sitting in a hotel room, having just traveled from a furniture show in High Point North Carolina, to a live television show in DC, and was sitting in his hotel room reading about his interior design friends talking about "The trends. The trends. The trends." So, he scheduled a Facebook event, that he would be going Live at 8:30am the next day, under the topic, "Fuck the Trends" He had 2.2K people watching Live. 30K people watched the video within the next 24 hours. And in 2018, his 1-hour a week Facebook Live talk show, cleared 3.2 Million views and generated over $180,000 in sponsorship revenue. What Joseph learned was that the value of podasting had nothing to do with him. The value in podcasting was in inviting people to be a guest on his podcast. Joseph will share his journey and "The Unspoken Secret To Podcasting".

Topic: 100% of us were raised to be employees 

Short Bio

What do you know about Jimmy Fallon? Not much. But he seems to know everyone! With less than 1200 Facebook followers, in 2017, Joseph Haecker went live for the first time with the topic, "Fuck the Trends". He had 2.2K people watching live. 30k video views within 24 hours. And in 2018, his 1-hour a week show cleared 3.2 Million views, and earned $180,000 in sponsorship revenue. Joseph talks about what he calls, "The Jimmy Fallon Affect"

Long Bio

In 2014, after loosing everything in a failed startup, Joseph Haecker was riding a bicycle 130 miles a week to earn $12 an hour. With his second startup, he couldn't afford employees or a team. He quickly dove into the startup scene in Irvine California, and began learning and recruiting. Joseph would go on to assemble an in-house team with equity partners from Adobe, Honda Center, Tech Coast Angels, Oliclip, Gateway Computers, Auto Trader, Cisco, Nortel Systems, Google and Amazon. He has gone on to raise over $4.2 Million in startup capital and launched over 24 tech startups. Joseph shares the value of being "The dumbest guy at the table", and the role of a founding CEO.

Topic: What is a startup ecosystem? 

Short Bio

To kick start their startup ecosystem, the Mayor of Austin Texas held a press conference and welcomed startups. So, how hard could it be to build a startup ecosystem? Serial entreprenuer, and self proclaimed startup addict, Joseph Haecker draws on his podcast experience, "Startup Ecosystems - No Stupid Questions", to share his thoughts on startup ecosystems.

Long Bio

What do you know about Jimmy Fallon? Not much? Jimmy keeps his off-air life pretty private. Yet, what we think we know about his is that he knows EVERYONE! Joseph Haecker calls this "The Jimmy Fallon Affect" The focus isn't on him. Jimmy is a great host. He is fun and gets along with everyone. In 2017, Joseph went live on Facebook for the first time, with 2.2K people watching live. 30K people watched the video within 24 hours. And in 2018, his 1-hour a week live stream cleared 3.2 Million views. Joseph talks about "The Jimmy Fallon Affect". How, by focusing on the guest and leveraging their networks, you can reach millions of people, and curate your message.

Long Bio

Before we ask ourselves, "What is a startup ecosystem?", we might want to understand "What is a startup? And, why does it matter?" Startups are typically business concepts with the ability to scale. We have seek examples such as Google, Facebook, and even TikTok. These concepts, have gone on to create massive change and disruption. Yet, in local economic circles, local governments, states and even countries still think of starups as small, medium and large businesses. Joseph Haecker has raised over $4.2 Million in startup capital, operates 24 tech startups, a media broadcasting company, a non-profit and is COO of an international trade association. Joseph defines and shares the value of a vibrant startup ecosystem.

Business Models

Topic: Downloads don't mean shit! Start earning NOW 

Short Bio

What started out as a rant, turned into a 1-hour a week talk show featuring celebrity guests, random topics, 3.2-Million views and generated over $180k in sponsorship. Joseph Haecker talks about how you could be earning money NOW, and that downloads don't mean shit!

Random Topics

Topic: Fuck the Trends
Short Bio

After traveling back from an industry only interior design event, Joseph saw his design friends posting about the color of the year from Sherwin-Williams. So, as he sat in his hotel room, Joseph went Live on Facebook under the title, "Fuck the Trends". The first live stream turned into a weekly talk show that received 3.2 Million views in 2018, and generated $180,000 in sponsorship revenue.

Long Bio

As podcasters, it's beaten into us that your value is based on the number of downloads you get. This is why we hear words like "podcasting is a hobby". Yet in 2017, while sitting in a hotel in Los Angeles, with only less than 1200 Facebook followers, Joseph Haecker went Live for the first time, with 2.2K people watching, and over 30K views within 24 hours with the topic, "Fuck the Trends". And in 2018, his 1-hour a week live streamed talk show cleared 3.2 Million Views and earned $180,000 in sponsorship revenue. Joseph Haecker shares his journey and why Downloads don't mean shit! And that you should start earning NOW!

Topic: The Unspoken Secret To Podcasting 

Short Bio

Podcasting isn't about you or your opinins. The true value of podcasting is in the doors that it opens. In 2018, Joseph Haecker's 1-hour a week Facebook Live cleared 3.2 Million Views and earned him $180,000 in sponsprships. He's here to share "The Unspoken Secret to Podcasting".

Long Bio

In 2017, Joseph Haecker had one foot in tech, and the other in the interior design world. After attending an industry only, interior design event and then speaking at a tech event, traveling accross the country he was watching his interior design friends talking about, "The trends. The trends. The trends." It turns out that Sherwin-Williams had just released their "Color of the Year". So, while sitting in his hotel room in Los Angeles, he posted that he would be going Live on Facebook under the title, "Fuck the Trends". With less than 1200 followers on Facebook, that day 2.2K people tuned in to watch LIVE. More than 30K people had watched that video within 24 hours. That rant, turned into a 1-hour a week talk show, that cleared 3.2 Million views and generated over $180,000 in 2018. Joseph will be talking about Trends, and the importance of being the trend setter in your local market.

Topic: Parenting - From parent to mentor 

Short Bio

What's the job of a founder? Joseph Haecker has buit in-house teams with equity partners from Fortune 500 companies, raised over $4.2 Million in startup capital and generated millions in revenues. And he's here to share about the importance of recruiting as a founder. Joseph shares that "You should be the dumbest guy at the table".

Long Bio

If you were to pick up the phone and hear a sales pitch about anything. You'd hangup. But if I invited you to be a guest on my podcast... Well, you might ask, "What's the podcast about.." In 2017, Joseph Haecker was sitting in a hotel room, having just traveled from a furniture show in High Point North Carolina, to a live television show in DC, and was sitting in his hotel room reading about his interior design friends talking about "The trends. The trends. The trends." So, he scheduled a Facebook event, that he would be going Live at 8:30am the next day, under the topic, "Fuck the Trends" He had 2.2K people watching Live. 30K people watched the video within the next 24 hours. And in 2018, his 1-hour a week Facebook Live talk show, cleared 3.2 Million views and generated over $180,000 in sponsorship revenue. What Joseph learned was that the value of podasting had nothing to do with him. The value in podcasting was in inviting people to be a guest on his podcast. Joseph will share his journey and "The Unspoken Secret To Podcasting".

Topic: The Jimmy Fallon Affect 

Short Bio

What do you know about Jimmy Fallon? Not much. But he seems to know everyone! With less than 1200 Facebook followers, in 2017, Joseph Haecker went live for the first time with the topic, "Fuck the Trends". He had 2.2K people watching live. 30k video views within 24 hours. And in 2018, his 1-hour a week show cleared 3.2 Million views, and earned $180,000 in sponsorship revenue. Joseph talks about what he calls, "The Jimmy Fallon Affect"

Long Bio

What do you know about Jimmy Fallon? Not much? Jimmy keeps his off-air life pretty private. Yet, what we think we know about his is that he knows EVERYONE! Joseph Haecker calls this "The Jimmy Fallon Affect" The focus isn't on him. Jimmy is a great host. He is fun and gets along with everyone. In 2017, Joseph went live on Facebook for the first time, with 2.2K people watching live. 30K people watched the video within 24 hours. And in 2018, his 1-hour a week live stream cleared 3.2 Million views. Joseph talks about "The Jimmy Fallon Affect". How, by focusing on the guest and leveraging their networks, you can reach millions of people, and curate your message.

Long Bio

In 2014, after loosing everything in a failed startup, Joseph Haecker was riding a bicycle 130 miles a week to earn $12 an hour. With his second startup, he couldn't afford employees or a team. He quickly dove into the startup scene in Irvine California, and began learning and recruiting. Joseph would go on to assemble an in-house team with equity partners from Adobe, Honda Center, Tech Coast Angels, Oliclip, Gateway Computers, Auto Trader, Cisco, Nortel Systems, Google and Amazon. He has gone on to raise over $4.2 Million in startup capital and launched over 24 tech startups. Joseph shares the value of being "The dumbest guy at the table", and the role of a founding CEO.

Topic: Go do more stupid shit! 

Short Bio

The only regrets I've had, are the things left undone. As a serial entrepreneur, Joseph Haecker has launched dozens of business concepts. Currently, he runs 24 tech startups, a media broadcasting company, a non-profit and serves as COO of an international trade association. Joseph says, "Go do more stupid shit".

Long Bio

"As a serial entrepreneur, I've learned failing fast isn't failing at all." Joseph Haecker embraces failure. In 2010, Joseph was sued for $150,000,000. Then in 2013, turned around and went right back into business with the group that had just dropped the lawsuit. Joseph currently owns 24 tech companies, a media broadcasting company, runs a non-profit and serves as COO of an international trade association. He has raised over $4.2 Million in startup capital. And his greatest take away is to "Go try more stupid shit". Joseph talks about the value of trying and failing, as part of the ideation and creative process.

Rates and Fees

Joseph is a guest speaker and can fill in for industry speakers, with a wide range of topics and interests.

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For-Profit/Corporate Events

Does not include:

• Travel
• Hotel​
• Luggage

Non-Profit Corporate Events

Does not include:

• Travel
• Hotel​
• Luggage


Virtual Events

For booking flights and hotels:
Joseph Haecker
Departure City: Denver
**Email for Pre-check Number***


Joseph is a guest speaker and can fill in for industry speakers, with a wide range of topics and interests.

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