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Saturday, October 14, 2023

In the business of making dreams happen


Stuck? Where to start? You are in the right place...

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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ignite Business Insider shares the stories of businesses that are making an impact in their local markets. We highlight their stories in order to inspire entrepreneurial growth and to let readers learn more about businesses across the world that are growing and scaling.


Heather Koroch

Real Estate Agent

KW Partners, Inc

Thank you for taking the time to sit with us and share your story. Can you share a little bit about you and your company?

Thank you, I appreciate interest in my story. I have been in real estate for 4 years. I work with both buyer and sellers. Kansas City is unique in the way that it is split between two states, Kansas & Missouri. I am licensed in both. My office is located in Kansas but I live in Missouri. I have a lot of experience on both sides of the state line, with everything from land to downtown lofts. Our office is the #1 producing office in Kansas City.

A question so many people are interested in, is how you got started. Can you share a little bit about what you were doing before this, and what that moment was like for you when you decided to start this new journey?

I was a hairstylist for 20 years. I had a very successful career and loved what I did. But it was taking a toll on my body and I knew it would not be sustainable forever. I had always had an interest in real estate. When we went through the process in 2010 of selling our home my agent really inspired me. It was a tough time in the market to sell. The inventory was high and we were competing with foreclosures too. It was not abnormal for a home to be on the market for 6 months. We had several contracts fall through but our agent was always there supporting and guiding us through the process. She really inspired me and I started thinking this is something I would like to do too. I knew it would be a good fit for me. I had learned a lot through my own experience which has helped me relate to my clients journeys. People move for lots of different reasons. It can be an exciting time but also very emotional. Fast forward 7 years I met with my agent to discuss making the career change. She encouraged me to go for it. So with support of my family, friends and clients I made the leap. I started out part time but it quickly grew to full time. I love what I do and so glad I didn't let fear of making a change detour my path.

Let's take a little bit of a detour, and rewind the clock a little bit. What did you want to be as a kid? And how did that influence the person you are today?

As a kid I wanted to be hairstylist or a psychologist. I kind of got both with doing hair. Sometimes with clients you are their closet confidant. I love being creative but the relationships I built throughout the years were invaluable. I learned so much from hearing their stories, about their career, family, travel, etc. This has carried over to my business now with all the connections I made and education you can only get from experience.

Have you fully let go of that childhood dream? And where do you see yourself going in the next ten years?

I feel like I am living it! I have always had a entrepreneurial spirit. Real estate you might not think of as being an artistic job or psychology but it very much is both. There is a lot situations you have to think outside of the box and find creative solutions. But the most important thing is to being able to collaborate well with people. In ten years my goal is to have investment properties and helping others do the same. I really live by work hard play hard mentality. There has to be some fun in there! I love to explore and learn new things. I see a lot of travel in my future.

Now, I have found that with successful people, there is always someone pivotal as either a mentor, parent, teacher, or someone that you look to for advise, that helped set you on this path. Could you share who that person was? And what impact that had on the person you are today?

My parents, they taught me a strong work ethic and the importance of family time also. They always encouraged me and gave me unwavering support in every journey I chose. To know how much they believed that I could do whatever I set my mind to gave me the courage to not take the traditional path.

What was one take away that you learned from that person? And how did it translate into your business today?

Strong work ethic does not mean it's all about money. It's about doing the right thing, treating people right and the rest will come.

When we work with businesses, we focus a lot on their "Why?". What is your "Why"? What is the driver behind your company, and why you and your team wake up each day and give it your all?

My why is my passion to help others. I have to know at the end of the day that I am making a difference in peoples lives. There is a lot reasons people buy/sell. It can be an exciting time with a new home but it also can be a hard time if it's a death or divorce. Being able to help through those transitions is the best reward.

Let's dive deeper into your products and services. You already gave an overview, but how do your products or services help your customers? And what makes them different from your competitors?

What makes my services unique is the support system and resources I provide. I am very hands on and accessible. When I am working with a seller I help with getting your home ready, connecting and meeting with contractors, inspectors, appraisers, etc. I also do the staging and have a professional pictures taken of their home. The key is to highlight the best features of your home. There is so much behind the scenes that happens. This is so important to get the most return. Hitting the market with the best first impression possible equals the most return for my clients. For example staging can increase your profit up to 20%. When I am working with buyers a lot of times it's their first home or someone relocating. It's a process to figure out the right location and what type of home that is the perfect fit for their needs. I really enjoy going on the hunt to find the one for them. I always emphasize to my buyers that it's ok if we have to look at a 50 homes. Just kidding it's not that many but it can feel like that at times to them. I understand it's a process, and you will know when you find it. It's a feeling you get when you walk in. Sometimes it can be the first one but the majority of the time it can take months. I absolutely love when we get to the end and I see how excited they are.

Let's unpack that even further. Let's pick one aspect of your business. What makes it so unique? And how does it change you or your customer's experience?

When I am working with you I am all in. I am on the journey with them and treat it as if it was my own. I truly care and what to make sure I give the best guidance and resources. I know I have succeeded in this when they refer me to a friend or family member. I am grateful that I have 100% 5 star reviews from my previous clients.

Let's dive into your customer's journey a little bit. Can you share with us, how do your customers discover you and your brand? What are their next steps? And what is the experience you would like to see your customers go on, when working with you and your brand?

The majority of my clients find me by referral and social media. They can check out my website and social media, or give me a call! I am always happy to chat and answer any questions. Selling and buying can be stressful. My goal is when you work with me that I ease that and provide you with knowledge to make an educated decision. At the end, I want them that to walk away feeling that they had the best outcome.

Let's rave about your customers for a minute. Can you share a story about one of your clients or customers, that either touched your heart, or made an impact with you and your team?

I recently just worked with a client that found out they were being transferred to the east coast and had to be there in a month. They called me the day they found out. They were excited for the move but also stressed with how they were going to sell and move across country in that short amount of time. I got to work right away with staging their home and had them on the market a week later and under contract with in 2 days. It meant a lot to me when they were so impressed by the transformation I made in a few days with their home. Most people do not understand the value of staging their home until they see it. They joked they didn't know if they wanted to move now. They ended up closing the day before they had to move. Timing could not have worked out better. I found them an agent in their new city and they just closed on their new home last week. Knowing I was able to help make their dream happen to move to the coast and ease their stress along the way is what really feels my cup.

Everyone likes an inside scoop. What detail or secret about either you, or your company, is something most people might not know?

Most people do not know where to start. The first step I tell my clients is to contact one of my lenders. I have trusted partners I can refer them to. It's usually the biggest financial decision you make your lifetime. So getting your "ducks in a row" as they say is huge advantage. Even if you may not be thinking of making a move for six months or a year it is still the best place to start. They will be able to tell you what to do to prepare your finances so when the time is right you are set. Then onto the fun part, working with me to make it happen. A tip for the sell side would be declutter, declutter and then declutter some more.

Final thoughts. What feeling or benefits would you like your customers or clients to take away when working with you and your team?

That they are happy with where they landed, and know that if they need anything I am here to help. I want them to know that I am resource to them before, during and after.

Last question. How can people find out more about you and your company?

My website, social media and of course, by phone!

Thank you so much for sitting with us and sharing your story.

Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time listen to my story and learning what my business is all about.

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