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Thank you for taking my workshop,
"Publishing on Amazon, Using ChatGPT"

Thank You

As promised, here is your copy of my Audio Course,

"Unleashing Your Author Within:

Mastering the art of publishing using ChatGPT and Amazon"

🎧 Listening Time: 33 minutes 38 seconds
A savings of: $29.99


You can choose to listen to it here, or download a copy directly to your phone or electronic devise. This FREE version of my Audio Course is only for past attendees of my Book Publishing Workshops.


Below you will find the PDF Download on my, "Publishing on Amazon Using ChatGPT - Prompts and Workshop Guide".


Simply Click the button to download your FREE Copy. 


Thank you again for attending and remember that you are always welcome to join my future "Publishing on Amazon, Using ChatGPT" workshops FREE of charge.

Download on my, "Publishing on Amazon Using ChatGPT - Prompts and Workshop Guide" PDF.


Simply Click the button to download your FREE Copy. 

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