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Weekly Mindset and Accountability Call

จ. 17 ก.ค.


Zoom Call - Audio Only

Let's take a pause to set goals and intentions for the week

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Weekly Mindset and Accountability Call
Weekly Mindset and Accountability Call


17 ก.ค. 2566 07:30 – 8:30 GMT-6

Zoom Call - Audio Only


How often to you run right into your week, putting out fires and NOT getting everything done?

Well, stop! That's no way to live your live!

You should NOT me at the mercy of every little fire that pops up. 


Let's take a moment each week to come together collectively on a Zoom Call (No Video), to create accountability with the group by quickly sharing:

• One (1) major goal for the week

• What you're thankful for

• And who you are dedicating your week and goal to

This simple exercise will help you...

• Set an intention

• Create a sense of accountability

• Simplify and focus one important goal

• Cultivate a sense of gratitude for am important person in your life


1. Calls will be limited to 10 people

2. All participants must be muted until their turn to share

3. The host will start out with a simple statement about the importance of setting one goal, thankfulness and intention

4. Then the host will invite each member, by name, to share their:

   • Goal for the week

   • What they are thankful for

   • And who they are dedicating their week to

5. If anyone was skipped, we will circle back

6. The host will thank the group and we will go off into our week to accomplish our goals

Please come prepared to the call, with your goal, intention and dedication.

These are simple calls that will help transform your week and your purpose.

This may seem like a silly exercise. But when was the last time you took a pause and set your intention so well?

This is a ten (10) week series. You are welcome to join as many recurring series as you wish.


  • Weekly Mindset Call

    10 Week Mindset Cohort • Only $10 a week!





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