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A Commissioned portrait for a Couple
Las Vegas, NV
Published on:
March 21, 2024 at 5:09:39 AM

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Photo Credit:
Travis Plummer

Birdie the Artist
Service Areas:
Las Vegas. I also ship nationwide
Honora Comer
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Ignite Project Features shares the stories of design, home staging and real estate projects, from designers and real estate agents across the world, detailing project origins, insights, and details about projects that you might not learn elsewhere. Project Features is designed to truly highlight the creative genius of designers and agents worldwide.
Birdie the Artist living in Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV
Published on:
March 21, 2024 at 5:09:39 AM
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Thank you for joining us today. Before we dive into your latest project, can you share a little bit about yourself and your company?
My nickname is Birdie, I'm a full-time artist for the past 6 years. Creativity has always been my forte; even as a child, I'd observe faces in public, then rush home to sketch them. I used to create drawings for my pals to color! Fast forward to 2018, when I rekindled my creative spark, mainly for my mental well-being. I was an Artist Instructor at a paint and sip studio franchise, enjoying my job until the pandemic brought an end to it. This setback led me to fully embrace my calling as a full-time artist. I happily dedicated countless hours honing my craft at home. Presently, I conduct monthly workshops, host private paint and sip parties, exhibit several art pieces throughout town, and take on commissioned work.
So, let's dive into your latest project. Can you share a little bit about the client and the context of the project?
My client commissioned me to create a portrait featuring him and his wife to surprise her for her Birthday. I have interacted with this couple at various social gatherings and through philanthropic projects and events. I am fond of them and have a deep respect for the work they do Renowned for their esteemed reputation within the Las Vegas community, the task of creating this artwork carried the weight of public scrutiny, motivating me to strive for perfection in its execution. The pressure was on!
Upon completion and delivery I received the absolute best compliment from their toddler. He woke up from his nap and then saw the painting, he exclaimed excitedly: that's Mommy and Daddy! My job was done!
Now, if design were easy, anyone could do it. So, when you took on this project, what was the one major design challenge you knew was going to be an issue?
When I paint a portrait, it's not just about reproducing a person's image on canvas. My aim is to capture their essence and tell their unique story. The initial stage is often the most challenging for me. The key to executing a successful portrait painting lies in having a high-quality reference photo. In this instance, I had to source the ideal picture featuring two individuals. Leveraging technology, I combined elements from two separate photos after numerous edits to create the perfect reference image, allowing me to commence the artwork. Then, it involves applying layer upon layer of paint until I am content with the final result.
Before Images
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Now that we know the challenge. What was your vision for the project?
I wanted the portrait to exude their energy. I wanted it to tell a Love story. I wanted to capture her happy energy and the light she brings to the world with her smiles and laughter and display him as peaceful and content by her side.
I paid a lot of attention to details. AK the woman in the portrait creates Jewelry so I made sure she was wearing her earrings and loc jewelry. LJ is also wearing beads from his wife's collection. It was important for the colors to be warm and inviting and something they will cherish to see on their walls years from now.
Now that you have the scope and project visualized, what does your team look like? And how do you go about executing on the vision?
When it comes to art projects, I work alone with support from my husband and the local art community. Preparation is crucial for me, as starting a project is challenging. I believe in setting myself up for success by gathering all necessary resources at the beginning. Once I start a project, I aim to see it through to completion without interruption. I just have to make sure to take stretch breaks, hydrate and eat!
With each project, there are certain rooms or aspects of the design that we are especially proud of. What were some key features that you enjoyed the most?
Well in terms of the technical aspects of a portrait, the most nerve-racking part is getting the likeness of the person and tweaking those facial details that make the whole difference. There are times a painting is such a struggle it could bring me to tears. When I push through those struggles and never give up and I accomplish the goal, that feeling of accomplishment and relief is exhilarating.
Now, not every project goes as planned. What design hurdle did you and your team encounter,? And how'd you overcome it?
When I am creating my own vision on a canvas I am completely free to manifest whatever I want and go with the flow. Some paintings take on a life of their own and are more spontaneous. With a commissioned portrait you are re creating someone else's vision, so there is more pressure. Good communication, digital mock-ups, idea boards are necessary before getting started.
After Images
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Now, not every project goes as planned. What design hurdle did you and your team encounter,? And how'd you overcome it?
I haven't messed up and had to start a project over yet (knock on wood) But I do always make sure I have another canvas ready to go...just in case. I have learned to take my time and don't rush. If you take your time and are intentional with everything you do, you will accomplish your goal the first time and wont have to spend time and resources on fixing or re-doing something. Also use quality materials, and you'll only cry once.
Well, is has been amazing sitting with you to learn more about you and this project. If our readers wanted to work with you, how would they learn more?
You may send your commission inquiries to:
Birdie the Artist or call 702 600 4852
You can follow my Instagram page
It has been great siting with you. Thank you for taking the time to share with us today!
Thank you for the opportunity to tell you about my project. This was my very first commissioned portrait and I am very proud of my accomplishment.
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